Concerning indicators – malnutrition: fighting for healthy generation


It is already two months since future mother Ani Harutyunyan’s mood, diet and daily routine has changed. According to her, the fact of being pregnant is an incredibly feeling, at the same time it is a great responsibility to give birth to a healthy child. Although she has never liked seeing doctor when sick, now she thinks it is obligatory to see a doctor and follow his recommendations.


Indeed, it is of utmost importance the food list during pregnancy period which a woman should include in her daily routine, in order to give birth to a healthy baby.


In the Republic of Armenia the problems of improving health and welfare of women and children are under aegis of the state and they are enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia and a number of laws.


The importance of solving the problems of protection of mothers and children has been repeatedly endorsed by the international community. After the declaration of the independence of the Republic of Armenia, as a member state of the United Nations, it has undertaken a number of commitments and within the framework of their implementation women’s and children’s issue was given a national importance.


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