Migration in the world and Armenia


Today is International Migrants’ Day. On this very day in 1990 UN Convention “on protection of Rights of all migrant workers and members of their families” was adopted.


“2015 will enter the history as a year of tragedies and sufferings of migrants. Over the past 12 months, more than 5000 women, men and children died trying to find protection and better conditions of life. Tens of thousands of people became victims of exploitation and ill-treatment”, – said the UN Secretary-General in his message which calls for the solution of the problems of migrants.


Growth trend in international migration has become one of the issues of concern to the international community. Globalization, demographic growth and inequality in living standards in developed and developing countries and other political and socio-economic factors contribute to continuous growth of worldwide migration processes.


Migration in Armenia is also growing. Experts identify 4 types – permanent, seasonal, long-term and educational.


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