Our girl children. The numbers speak


  • There are 733,280 thousand 0-18 year old children in Armenia, 343,389 thousand or 46.8% of them are girls.
  • In our country, girl children are about 46,502 less than boys (0-18 years old), and this trend continues.
  • In Armenia, one family wants a baby girl, and six families want a baby boy.
  • In Armenia, girls’ difficulties begin before they are born. In Armenia, an average of 1300 girls are not born because of abortion every year in Armenia.
  • 2017 The sex ratio of children born in Armenia was 111.7 boys per 100 girls. 2018 In contrast to 2017, the sex ratio of births improved to 110.3 boys per 100 girls. Although the ratio is decreasing year by year, we have not yet reached the biologically normal range of 104-106 boys per girl born.
  • Since birth, Armenian families have shown the same care and care for girl children as boys.
  • 2018 The number of children subject to adoption by centralized registration was 77, of which 37 or 48.0% were girls. 10 of the adopted daughters have two parents.
  • Girls with disabilities are more vulnerable than boys, with 5% of boys and 7% of girls never leaving home or going out to see a doctor alone. 1 or 18% of 5 children with disabilities, including 17% of boys and 21% of girls, do not attend school.
  • As of 2017, 6.4 percent of girls aged 16-19 in Armenia were married, 2 percent divorced, 0.1 percent were widows, and only 1 percent of boys were married.
  • 10% of 1000 women in age group 15-19 applied for abortion.
  • At the beginning of the 2018/2019 school year, 367 students dropped out of or dropped out of Armenian public schools for various reasons, 105 of which went to school due to poor socio-economic conditions, with 196 parents barred.
  • 151 of those who have left school are girls. Forty-seven of them do not attend school because of poor social conditions, and 78 parents do not attend school.
  • Girls in the school perform better than boys.
  • 2 percent of students in music, art, art schools and youth creative centers are girls.
  • 7% of library readers in Armenia are girls under the age of 15.
  • In 2018/2019 academic year, 56 higher state and non-state educational institutions (Higher Education Institutions) of the republic and 12 branches entered 9 512 (women 46.6%), graduated 69 622 (women 51.6%), graduated 15 540 (women 60.1) %) people.
  • Nare, Maria, Mane, Ellen, Mariam are most commonly called newborn girls in Armenia in 2018.


After our girls grow up:

– receive education (about 60% of women in higher education in Armenia are women),

– choose mainly the following specialties: philology, social work, journalism, art, humanities, law, business and administration,

– marry at an average age of 26.6 and in villages at 25.5;

– have an average of 1-2 children (two women have three children),

– only one third of families are headed

– are in the lowest-paid sectors, earning 32.5% lower than men’s wages

– are more often involved in middle and lower positions, with women holding leadership positions 2.4 times lower than men

– Living on average up to 78.7 years, 7 years older than men.

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