Our girl – children: numbers talk about them


There are 776.5 thousand 0-19 year old children living in Armenia, 364.5 or 47% of them are girls. 37,3% of our children, including girls, live in poverty, 3,3% of them – in extreme poverty. Every second child living in an extended family is poor. In Armenia  the ratio of families who have a desire to have a girl child and those – a boy child is 1/6.


Although after the birth of a girl-child the Armenian families provide the same care and attention as in case of a boy-child, because of sex-selective abortions every year 1500 girls are not born, and if the trend is maintained, the experts predict, that we will lose 93 000 girls or future mothers until 2060.


In 2014, in Armenia 20,287 girls and 22,869 boys were born, /the ratio – 100 girl – 114 boys/ whereas the natural ratio would have been 100 girls – 102-106 boys.


Our girls demonstrate better progress at school than boys.


65,2% of children studying at music, art schools are girls.


After growing up our girls:


–         Get education (women make up 60% of people with higher education)

–         The average marriage age is 26,8 an in villages – 25,5

–         On average they have 1-2 children 32,6% of men and 24,6% of women

–         They alone head one third of families

–         Receive about 65,6% of men’s wages and earn 60% of men’s net average monthly income

–         Occupy not more than 10% of governing positions in the management sphere

–         Live on average 78 years, 6 years longer than men


Full text in Armenian


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