Marine Kocharyan: “It is often the case that women need to get rid of stereotypes to be protected”

Our interlocutor is Marine Kocharyan, head of the Women’s Council of the Rule of Law party, headmaster of # 186 high school. She is in the 8th position of the Rule of Law party, progressed in the Nor Nork-Kanaker-Zeytun-Avan administrative district.


-I have developed a rule for me when I find it difficult or I face difficulties, I always remember the most challenging problems I have solved and reduce the difficulty to divide parts, as small problems are always easy to find. Then I encourage myself, in my mind, you are strong, you can, gather and orient, nobody will do anything for you, and so go ahead.


I would like to be able to use this good opportunity today and to form the right National Assembly, where people gather not to think about themselves, but to think about the people.


Besides, I think women should be numerous in the National Assembly. The woman is more aware, she will send, warn, suggest, and together will be able to achieve more tangible results. A woman always creates comfort around her if women are in the NA and make our cities and villages more comfortable for our citizens and they will not think of going abroad.


The ideas are not mine, they are the party’s ideas, that were born as a result of our joint discussions, and I will do my best to fulfill them. And what about me? I will always raise the issue of education, the question of quality education, the role of the teacher, as in the Soviet times the teacher was respected, today it is necessary to achieve it, to make reforms in the school, including from a moral and psychological point of view I will always talk and raise inclusive education issues. As I’m sure. Children with disabilities should learn with their peers and be a full member of society.

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