Invitation to Female Food Hero-2015 National Award Ceremony

The Ministry of Agriculture of RA, Oxfam and the Agricultural Alliance are inviting you to celebrate International Women’s Day together and participate in “Female Food Hero-2015” national award ceremony, which will take place on March 6, at 12:00 am at Ararat hall of Armenia Marriott Hotel.


Female Food Hero campaign aims to promote women who work in agricultural field in Armenia and have been successful in bringing positive change and promoting the sustainable development of their community/ communities, as well as food security and nutrition.


During the event Food Female Heroes will present their agricultural produce in the food fair.


Expected participants of the event are representatives of national ministries, international and local organizations, regional and local authorities, agricultural cooperatives as well as media.


“Female Food Hero” national award ceremony is held for the fifth time. This year it involves all the regions of Armenia nominated by the Ministry of Agriculture and Agricultural Alliance. Project is funded by the European Union and the Austrian Development Agency.



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