The Economist: Women’s Economic Opportunities
The Economist Intelligence Unit, The Economist’s sister company, has published its second Women’s Economic Opportunity Index, assessing the environment for female employees and entrepreneurs across 128 countries.
Armenia ranks as the 64th country in the 2012 Women’s Economic Opportunities Index. Georgia is the 59th in this year’s index; Azerbaijan places the 90th. Russia and Turkey lag behind Armenia, ranking as the 66th and 67th countries, respectively.
To measure progress in the economic advancement of women, the Economist Intelligence Unit created the Women’s Economic Opportunity (WEO) Index. The Index aims to look beyond gender disparities to the underlying factors affecting women’s access to economic opportunity. It draws on data from a wide range of international organisations, including the UN, the International Monetary Fund, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the World Health Organisation, the Food and Agriculture Organisation, and many others.
The report from the Economist Intelligence Unit is aimed at exploring the economic landscape that women face globally and highlights which countries offer the most and the fewest opportunities. The EIU’s index brings together 29 indicators measuring access to finance, education and training, legal and social status, and the general business environment .The result is a comprehensive assessment of the enabling environment for women’s economic participation in 128 countries.
At the top is Switzerland followed by Norway and Finland. Yemen, Chad and Sudan were found to have the worst records.
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