Hranush Kharatyan: “Why are you so afraid of women? Break Your Fears … “

Ethnographer, publicist Hranush Kharatyan touched upon the problem of women’s involvement at the government level, qualifying the current situation as a great injustice and unreasonable imbalance. In her Facebook page, she wrote, in particular:


“I can afford to write about this, because at least because of my age, I am protected from the suspicion of personal aspirations of the problem, at the same time making my age and experience more loud.


Dear members of the government, dear Prime Minister, you have already done a great deal, the perceptions of which are unequivocal among public. But I/they do not care for them yet, always having in mind, that one need time to think, time will show, etc. One thing, however, not only does not demand time, but has already passed all the time limits. Every day resignations and new appointments. Half of our society, weather you like it or not, whether it is good or bad, are women. Fortunately, this is regulated by nature and biology, and even the natural / biological environment that is capable of spoiling the environment is constantly finding solutions to this equilibrium. Among them there are many young, educated, courageous, willing. In my estimation and of many experts, even much more than half of men. Our society is still a very men-centered society of  man-made values, but our revolution was realized with 50/50 participation of both sexes. And despite men-centered nature of the society, they did not seem to be particularly dissatisfied with the large number of young women. They survived in any situation, they made the barricades, and no doubt made no less than the boys more flexible and creative ideas about the bloodless revolutionary process. Certainly, some of them had problems with their parents in their families, but they were silent, without overtaking these problems and, if necessary, even spending in the streets at night.


You call the revolution also a revolution of values. Do not women fit in these values of the management of the country? Do not you think that the accumulation of male gender in the management system makes the inclusion of governance extremely unbalanced? b) It is unjust that I would even say unworthy for the society; (c) can cause doubts about men or their self-esteem or complexity, and both are extremely harmful to the public.


If you are frightened by the fact that women do not think like you, it only proves that you are afraid of “those who do not think like men”. This is one of the ways of complexity. Whereas at least half of society needs women’s thinking even though I think the whole society needs both men’s and women’s mentality equally. I think our former authorities have lost a lot because of man-centered thinking. The conditions were such that most “women in power” were “chosen” for “manly thinking” or because of their skillful talent. Unfortunately, that is why we did not have women in the management system, those whom we had tried to be “male”. Meanwhile they should have been “a woman”. Either they lost or the society lost and management suffered.


Every day I follow the new appointments and annoy for this regularity. Do not do that, you have lost much of your time, there is already a great deformation in the current governing bodies. You lose your chance every day to form a balanced government. There are many young women, many of whom are higher by their personal and professional qualities than your ministers and governors, whose work would be / will be more productive for the country.


Why are you so afraid of women? Break your fears, enter the real value change domain. ”


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