October 2 –  Women’s remarkable nominations for the position of community leader

Community leader elections will be held on October 2d  in 300 communities of  Gecgharkunik, Lori, Kotayk, Shirak, Syunik and Vayots Dzor regions. The Central Election Commission has not yet released official information on the number of candidates. Before the end of the term of registration of candidates on September 7, at 18: 00 pm, WomenNet- summed up the remarkable nominations of women.



WomenNet.am- preliminary analysis shows that the total number of nominated senior executives are 35 women. It is noteworthy that there are also women running their candidacy  for the leadership. Let’s remind that in Armenia there have never been  women mayors, moreover, in this position, since the introduction of the local government system since 1995, women have almost not run, except for  3-4 cases.



This time, the in two cities – Sisian in Syunik region and Amasia in Shirak region, there are female candidates for mayor in the upcoming local elections.



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