“Achieving equality. The vision of women’s political participation. ” journalism award



“Oxfam” International Organization and “Oxygen”Youth and women’s rights fund within the frame of “equal” campaign” starts  the contest of journalistic materials  – “Achieving equality. The vision of women’s political participation”.



A key topic in the headlines:



– ” Politics is women’s business. Obstacles and solutions”


– “Formula for Success. economic achievements of women from political participation”


– “Women in local elections. race features”



Who can participate?



The materials can be submitted by journalists, civil activists, citizen journalists, bloggers from all over the area.

Materials should be published, broadcast or posted online in 2016. From January 1 to October 31.

Competition; all materials will be posted directly to the Facebook page of the campaign “Equal”.



The prizes



The best works will be awarded cash prizes, which are determined in the following three categories:

Radio-TV program (one place prize, 100,000)

Printed article (winning one seat, 100,000)

Online article (winning one seat, 100,000)

The deadline for submitting materials



Applications will be accepted until November 5 inclusive. The results will be summarized and presented to the public until December 10.

The jury is composed of representatives of organizations dealing with women’s rights, gender experts and specialists in the field of journalism.

The jury will take into account, the public importance of the subject, the accuracy of the information, materials providing creative style, Items gender sensitivity.



Items submitted format



Tenderers must submit a copy of an article published in the print media, TV and radio CD media official emblem for electronic media, website address (URL):


Videos of the following formats, avi, mp4, mpg, wmv:



Each participant may submit one to three journalism. Materials may be submitted in any genre of journalism.



How to apply



The materials should be sent academyoffamily@gmail.com e-mail, or mail titled “Journalistic competition” OksEJen Foundation, Yerevan, David Anhaght, St., Building 23, No. 19:



Questions and additional information can contact the contest coordinator for Gor Petrosyan, by academyoffamily@gmail.com address or phone number 091 510 410.



Items should be submitted together with registration form (see next page). Applications will not be considered without a completed questionnaire.



We look forward to your participation.



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