Numbers of the political forces participating in the elections known 

The Central Election Commission has decided to draw a registered political parties for participation in elections, the numbers of blocks, under which they appear in the electoral process and voting day.


 They are as follows:


  1. Elq
  2. “Free Democrats”
  3. HVK
  4. “Tsarukyan Alliance”
  5. Communist party
  6. Republican party
  7. Communist Party
  8. “Oskanian and Raffi Ohanian” alliance.
  9. ARF


 Political forces will be represented in ballots by these numbers.


Note that the CEC registered the lists of all political parties and coalitions submitted applications for participation in the elections. Overall in 1531 candidates are included in the the lists. Before registration lists four candidates had submitted a withdrawal application, one candidate died and two candidate registration was rejected.


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