Armenians in Syria: historian Yazchyan introduces fresh data
Neighborhoods of Armenians living in the capital of Syria – Damascus are almost safe; they are under the army control. In Northern Syria – Latakia, Kesab, the danger is gone now, but as Kesab has border with Turkey, every second we are ready for their provokation. Historian Gevorg Yazchyan also introduced some data about the Armenians living in Syria.
«After the known events, 40% of the population, about 1000 people, returned. Note that a very small percentage of them are young, mainly those serving in the army. Armenians had 10 victims among the Syrian army», – said historian during the meeting with reporters held in Yerevan.
Number of residents in Kesab also increased due to those who fled from Aleppo and settled here. They are mainly the wealthy class in Aleppo. Kesab is calm compared to Aleppo. «Now there are no fights, but the sounds of artillery could be heard from distance.
The historian says that Aleppo has always been the center of the Armenians, where 45-50 thousand people used to live but now only half of them remained, according to the official data, 10-15 thousand people moved to Armenia and nearly as many people moved to Beirut.
«Many Armenians in Armenia, Aleppo are looking forward to receiving visas to be able to come to Germany, Sweden, America and other countries», – he said.
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