Armenia ranked 67th in Social Progress Index 2016

The Social Progress Index measures the extent to which countries provide for the social and environmental needs of their citizens. Fifty-four indicators in the areas of basic human needs, foundations of wellbeing, and opportunity to progress show the relative performance of nations.


Armenia has scored 66.05 points – 85.26 points on basic human needs, 69.26 on foundations of welfare and 43.63 on opportunities.


In Basic Human Needs, nutrition and basic medical care in Armenia was assessed by Social Progress Imperative Group at 96.35, access to water supply and sanitation services at 96.39, shelter at 75.78 and personal safety at 72.52.


In Foundations and Wellbeing category, access to basic knowledge is assessed at 88.60, access to information and communication at 75.35, health and wellness at 51.16 and environmental quality at 61.91.


In Opportunities category, personal rights are assessed at 39.73, personal freedom and choice at 48.16, tolerance and inclusion at 39.96 and access to advanced education at 46.68.


Of the CIS member countries, only Ukraine and Belarus won a higher Social Progress Index than Armenia – they ranked 63rd and 66th respectively. Moldova came 73rd in the ranking, Russia 75th, Kazakhstan 76th and Azerbaijan 77th.


Finland, with its 90.09 points, is topping the ranking. It is followed by Canada (89.49), Denmark (89.39), Australia (89.13) and Switzerland (88.87).
Chad, Afghanistan, Central African Republic are in the tale of the ranking.
The Social Progress Index embraces 160 countries. It is based on the combination of the data received from public opinion surveys, experts’ opinions and statistical reports of international organizations.


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