«We like Armenia more than Aleppo». History of two families
Little Hrak was not born when Koshkeryan couple came to Armenia from Aleppo with their litlle daughter. They wanted their son ro be born in a safer place far from cannons and gunfire. They left everything and came to Armenia – home, work, property, memories… Gevirg Koshkeryan had a silver store in Aleppo, he was a master of his lovely job, today he attracts Armenian people and guests with beautiful jewelry made of silver. Gevorg Koshkeryan has his pavilon in Vernisaj. Of course, it is not comparable with the large market of Aleppo, but he tries to care for needs of family. He says that when they came in 2012, it was very difficult, they had no job for the frist months, and they had to live on their savings.
«It is already three years since we have come, we came only for taking passports and have a baby here. We were not planning to stay here, but the situation in Syria became worse and we stayed here. When we came to Armenia, I had no job for the first 4-5 months. Then I decided to open a silver store, but the rent of the shop was more expansive than that of the housse, that is I decided to rent a pavilon in Vernisaj.
According to his words, in Syria he could ensure wellbeing of his family only with his job, and his wife did not need to work: « In Syria women do not work, there men are able to earn living, but during last years they started to work because of worse economic situation». In his opinion in Armenia the market is small, and economic situation is different. It is difficult to live when only one member of a family works, but his wife supportrs him with everything.
«My wife takes care of two children, my old father who is 82 and cannot work, she has no time, but she always supports me.
Koshkeyan family has not made a final decision to settle in Armenia, but they like it. In my personal opinion the situation is alittle bit concerning here. I would like to stay, if there were no material pproblems, as I like here more than Aleppo, but it is difficult, we do not know.
Aleppo Armenian jewelrer Arman Cherishyan is a trader in Vernisaj too. He came to Armenia with her wife Lusine Barsumyan and the second child was born here. This family was living a beautiful and careless life in Alepo before the war. Lusin was giving beading lessons in Aleppo, though she is an accountant by her profession. From the first week in Armenia Lusin started helping her husband.
«I have always worked, before coming to Armenia, even when I was not married yet, I started working when I graduated from University. Here I participated in exhibitions from the first week, I sold my jewelry. Gradually I had customers. My children are little, when I send my son to manger I will get into accounting», – says Lusin Barsumyan.
Arman Cherishyan first studied the market, and got acquainted with the taste of people. For some time he sold jewelry at Gold Market, but when he moved to Vrnisaj and specialized in silver trade. Gradually I knew the taste of people, and I have many customers.There are many people who come specially to my place. My wife does not miss any exhibition, and I encourage her», – says Arman.
The most difficult thing for the family was to start everything from the very beginning. «We left everything there, we did not know where to live, what to do, but then we started our work and had customers. We had no problems with society, just a few people treated us like foreigners», – says Lusin.
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