The government is expanding opportunities for women to undergo military service, but is silent about other possibilities



The government is expanding opportunities for women to undergo military service, but does not mention the issue of gender equality in the new program, although before that and the obligation to ensure equal rights and equal opportunities for men and the women had made since 2008 in all government programs.


As is known, recently adopted by the government program, which received approval from the National Assembly, it is planned to expand the opportunities for women’s voluntary military service. Such a provision was not in the program of the previous government. Along with this government program does not address the need to expand opportunities for women in other areas, and does not mention the issue of gender equality in contrast to previous programs.


Note that the “development of human capital, the government program adopted in 2014” section of the policy provides for social protection. “The introduction of effective mechanisms for ensuring equal opportunity for women and men equal rights and acquisition of domestic violence and trafficking prevention programs”.



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