Rating of the Most Dangerous Countries For Women

Named the state in which women are often victims of sexual violence and forced marriage.

Foundation Thomson – Reuters conducted a study, based on which named five countries where most women have no rights. 213 of the experts evaluated the situation in different countries in terms of safety, health conditions, access to education, the level of cultural, religious and other discrimination, transfers TCH.ua.

The most dangerous country in the world for women is recognized Afghanistan. According to international experts, Afghan women live in very difficult conditions and their rights protected by the least in comparison with the rights of women in other parts of the world.

A study was conducted. The second and third place in its results, took Democratic Republic of Congo and Pakistan.

The most unexpected result was the fourth in India in the ranking of countries where women’s rights the least protected. The top five anti-Somali leaders.

Top 5 dangerous countries for women in full:

1. Afghanistan – every 11th woman dies in childbirth, around 87% of women are illiterate, 70-80% of girls and women are forced into marriage.

2. Congo – victims of sexual violence during the year are more than 400 thousand women, every hour, about 48 women and girls are raped, 57% of pregnant women suffer from anemia.

3. Pakistan – More than 1,000 women and girls annually fall victim to “honor killings”, 90% of women victims of domestic violence.

4. India – high level of human trafficking: at least 100 000 women and girls, to 50 million girls are “disappeared” during the past century due to female infanticide and abortion, 44.5% of girls are married before the age of 18.

5. Somalia – 95% of women are “circumcised” genitalia, mostly between the ages of 4 to 11 years, only 9% of women deliver in health facilities, only 7.5% of parliamentary seats occupied by women.

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