Women and power: new leadership model
Both Angela Merkel and Theresa May are often accused of being stiff and unemotional, but in reality, it is possible that we are dealing with such women who are able to skillfully apply their “masculine qualities” along with typical “feminine” qualities. This writes BBC, representing thoughts of the head of the City of London notary firm Alisa Grafton about women’s leadership model. Let’s note that Graftone also maintains a blog for women around family obligations and career combination.
Lately I was at the meeting at one of the major international banks, and while we were waiting for our partners, we were talking about a lady whom I know – she occupies senior position at the bank. Her colleague lower in position, but more experienced in age confirmed what I have always thought. “Mrs. V. is very popular among her colleagues not only for her professionalism, but also for the fact that she is very pleasant in communication.”I am sure that it is not obligatory to be a witch to advance,” said my interlocutor.
She added that within of working in various banks for 20 years she has seen very high-ranking men with average capacity, but, as she said, “the high-flying brilliant women in many cases have to be more professional and more intelligent than their male counterparts always because, they need it to achieve the same success”.
Since this conversation took place a few days after Theresa May became the new Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, it made me think. Once Ms. May said in an interview that she had never experienced unfair treatment in the policy simply because she is female. Is he sincere in this regard.
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