Armenian Women in the Labor Market. only facts and figures
Based on the statistical data and a number of researches conducted in Armenia, present facts and figures on gender inequality in the labor market:
52% of Armenia’s population is women and 48% are men, but 73% of men and only 56 percent of women are economically active.
Only 26% of Armenia’s labor resources have higher education, where the share of women is 59%, but this does not mean that women are better paid.
The average wage difference between women and men in the labor market is 34% in Armenia. The difference is even greater in terms of revenues and it reaches 40 percent. For comparison, the difference in EU countries was 15.9 %, while the world’s average figure is 22.9 percent.
The presence of horizontal discrimination in the labor market for women is also the result of a limited choice of professions.
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