Family and work: combining opportunities
Upon closing schools in many parents are faced with a difficult task. Whom to leave the care of children? Then possible and impossible versions put forward and discussed. Finally, the discussion ends up taking mother’s extended vacation, or sending the children to grandparents’ or other relatives’ home. There is the option for the camp, but in the end it is difficult to pay for three months and the child cannot stay in camp so long.
Before becoming a school-age mothers and fathers are taking long search. One of the first questions is if there is extended school. The number of such kind of educational institutions has been increased, but most of them are paid monthly up to 110 thousand AMD.
The lack of family-centered policies makes mothers refuse the work which they have already achieved with great difficulty, or, at best, to work part-time. This is evidenced by data from the study “Women and men in economic activity”.
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