Lilia Dilanyan: “Yerevan is our face and heart”

“Purple earth” party list candidate for community council Lilia Dilanyan says that she was absent from Yerevan only in the first month of life, since she was born in Ukraine, where her parents had left for vacation. She says: “I was a month old when we returned to Yerevan, Armenia, to my parents’ place of birth and it became my home where I lived, studied and worked, and am I going to go nowhere”. Qualified teacher of French and English Lilia Dilanyan has been teaching for 17 years at the French University in Armenia, but teaching career began in 1997 at the University after Brusov, her home university. Candidacy in the municipal elections was her first step in the politics.


This is my first political experience and I am very happy that I entered politics as representative of “Purple Earth” party, because my goal is not simply to enter politics, but to act as a representative of the political force which is so close to me. And when I was offered to join the “ranks of purple Earth” party, I gladly accepted.


What message does the new party have to deliver to the community?


 Our party is young, but that does not mean it is weak. On the contrary, being young, we work harder to prove ourselves worthy and strong. The election of our program is quite broad and includes many important provisions for residents, so we are very confident and most importantly, we are moving forward so united.


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