Lena Nazaryan:  „I am going to becitizens’ active and initiating partner in the National Assembly

Lena Nazaryan is a journalist by profession. She worked as an investigative journalist and researcher. Active civic activities started in 2010 as a member of the Save Teghut Civic Initiative. She has become known to many in 2013, when with a group of activists interrupted the speakers of the OSCE / ODIHR Election Observation Mission on day after the presidential elections, reading a text boycotting their Statement. She is a member of “civil contract” governing council and runs in constituency number 2 nominated by the alliance “Way out” /YELQ/(Ajapnyak, Arabkir, Davtashen). She says that women are the majority in Armenia and their partnership, mutual support and a lot can change in our lives.

  • Why did you decide to run as a candidate. What role did your experience in the civil war played in making that decision?


I think that civic activism, human rights advocacy is one of the forms of political activity, as well as participating in the vote and the being represented in the legislature. So there is no change of character of activity and it was very logical for me to strive to make the political activities a daily work, professional experience and expertise in the legislative field. My activity in civil initiatives was not sufficient for finding solutions to the problems. I am confident that my experience of journalistic work and in NGO will help me  to work actively in the legislative field.


  • Are you ready to protect the interests of women in parliament?


I am ready to economically, morally, spiritually support women in terms of strengthening the rights of women to defend their own interests. I will be an example for them and a partner in this issue everywhere, including in the National Assembly. I think it is very important that women not only humanly help each other in case of need, but also to be partners and supporters in economic and social activities, raise their issues and give each other freedom of  speech  voting for them. The majority in Armenia are women and their cooperation, support and mutual assistance can change a lot in their lives, and lives of their beloved men. My unconditional and full support will be provided to women in this process.


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