Why Bill on Domestic Violence was removed from the website of the Ministry of Justice



“The draft law” On combating and preventing domestic violence, which was officially published on the website of the Ministry of Justice on November 28, the morning of the next day, was removed from office website. Instead, the following message is posted, the bill aimed at interested citizens. Given the on the concerns of the different segments of the draft law” Prevention of Domestic Violence and Combating it”, we inform you that the Ministry of Justice will organize a broad public debate and only on the basis of the received proposals, the revised draft version will be posted on the ministry website.


Head of Press Service of the Ministry of Justice WomenNet.am Lusine Martirosyan told Armenpress that taking into consideration the opinions and criticism of the public domain of social networking site after publication of the draft law, a decision was made to withdraw from the project at this stage and organize public debates with target audiences in the near future.


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