What changes have been made in the payment procedure of child care allowance?


During one of the recent Government sessions a number of changes have been made in the assignment and payment procedure of childcare allowance intended for up to 2-year-old children. Womennet.am talked to Armine Balyan/ Chief specialist of the department of pension security of Ministry of Labor and Social affairs.


First, the amount is 18 000 AMD and has not undergone any changes. Payment for January of this year will be late. Ministry representative said that conditioned by the problems associated with transition period, the list will be handed to paying organizations until February 10th. Hereinafter, starting from the third working day of each month, previous month care allowance will be paid according to the list. Let’s recall that until now it used to be paid by the end of each current month.


Balyan said that while it was an indispensable condition for the mother and child to be registered at the same address, as a result of these changes this provision has been removed, the important thing is that parent and the child should be registered in the Republic of Armenia.


Full text in Armenian



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