What has been changed in the Constitution with regard to children’s rights?


According to the new amendments to the Constitution which came into force on December 22d, a new article was added to the rights of a child.


Article 37th. Child’s rights:


1. A child has the right to freely express his/her opinion which, in accordance with his/her age and maturity level, is taken into account in the matters concerning him/her.


2. In matters relating to the child, his/her interests must be a primary consideration.


3. Each child has the right to maintain regular personal relations and direct contacts with his/her parents, except for the cases when according to the court’s decision it is contrary to the child’s interests. Details are set by law.


4. Children without parental care are under the care and protection of the state.


Responding the request of womennet.am, explaining the nature of the changes, MP of National Assembly Artsvik Minasyan says that this artuicle fixes a complete system of protection of children’s rights and interests.

Full text in Armenian


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