Family day: divorce rate in Armenia is one divorce per 4 marriages
On May 15, the UN calendar is celebrated worldwide as Family Day. The UN has proclaimed it as a holiday and sent a message to the member states of the importance of the family in 1993. The celebration is celebrated in Armenia since 2011 when the law “On Holidays and Memorial” was amended.
On the occasion of the Family Day, the United Nations notes that despite the dramatic changes that have taken place around the world over the past decade, which are the result of global trends and demographic processes, the Organization once again emphasizes that the family is an important part of society. It is mentioned in many countries this day that it gives importance to highlighting the importance of the family and its issues and topics.
On that day, most of the users in the Armenian Facebook social network publish beautiful and happy family photos, congratulate them and wish them good luck. At the same time, statistics show that the number of newly-formed families decreases year by year, and the number of “demolished” families increases.
Deputy Minister Smbat Saiyan and UNFPA Executive Director Tsovinar Harutyunyan met journalists at the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs.
“The family that predicts further development of the society,” said the Deputy Minister after the congratulation on the occasion and noted that the holiday has not yet had a proper place and role in the Armenian calendar, the holiday has not yet had a weighty role, such as the family in society. He also said that they plan a multi-vector policy aimed at families.
Tsovinar Harutyunyan, a UN representative, focused on issues. It is a pity that the trend of recent years was to reduce the number of marriages and to increase divorce rates. “However, if we look at the first quarter of 2019 and compare it with the same period last year, we have a positive trend. Marriage increased by 202, making 3,783 instead of 3,580 last year. The number of divorces declined by 171. This year, 850 divorces were registered instead of 1021 last year, “she said.
50% of the divorced people stated that the reason was disputes and arguments, 14% – mismatches, 8% – work abroad.
The official of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs insists that the family is the core unit of society as a basis for the preservation and reproduction of the population, under the constant care of the state.
The speaker noticed that first of all they would help families with children, to try to create an inclusive environment as possible, so that the woman does not have to choose between her careers and child care and upbringing. As the first step, it is planned to come up with an initiative in the near future, the whole purpose of which is to start working hours in kindergartens from 8.30 to end at 18.30-19.00.
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