“The family is destroyed when there is violence, beatings, humiliation …” 

“These days the draft law on preventing and combating domestic violence” was told everything from its  the necessity to complying conspiracy theory accusations, ” depriving children of the families’ but the real reason why  Armenia has initiated and whether the need for such legislation or regulation; almost not spoken. “Aravot” addresses the topic of quotes referring to a number of human rights activists and officials’ opinions.


“Overall, Armenia has adopted policy of taking children from institutions to family, increasing family while the latest rumors about disposing   children of the family, is  just nonsense”, this is what the head of NGO ‘Social Justice’ criminal justice psychologist Arshak Gasparyan says in response to the accusations made in recent days.


Discussions for the last days are irrelevant for the Women’s Resource Center staff too.  “We understand that this is just another manipulation to which they try to influence the people,  just hope that people will get information from reliable sources, says Anna Hovhannisyan, assuring that the family is not destroyed when they are given a shelter, the family is destroyed when there is an unhealthy atmosphere, there is violence, beating, humiliation, violation of dignity, if the problem is to go to the shelter, the family has not been destroyed. ” Behind every Refuge woman there is the tragedy of a lifetime and only after being familiar with these stories we determine whether our country is in need of asylum or not.”


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