Emmanuel Macron’s Left-Right government with gender parity and female defence minister
France’s new French president Emmanuel Macron has picked his government with a mixture of Left and Right wingers, gender parity, and a strong emphasis on Europe.
Mr Macron, 39, had delayed announcing the ministers due to last-minute negotiations and checks that none had tax issues.
He had announced his intention to have a slimmed-down government of 15 ministers. In the event, some 22 names were called, half men, half women and including figures from civil society. A member of the Macron entourage said that 16 were “full ministers”, two deputy ministers and four secretaries of state.
Source: The Telegraph
P.S. From top left, France’s Prime minister Edouard Philippe; Interior minister Gerard Collomb; Minister of the Ecological and Social Transition Nicolas Hulot; Justice minister Francois Bayrou; Minister of Armed Forces Sylvie Goulard; Economy minister Bruno Le Maire; Territoral cohesion Minister Richard Ferrand; Labour Minister Muriel Penicaud; Health and Solidarity Minister Agnes Buzyn; Foreign Affairs minister Jean-Yves Le Drian; Culture Minister Francoise Nyssen; Minister of National Education Jean-Michel Blanquer; Agriculture minister Jacques Mezard; Minister for Public accounts Gerald Darmanin; Overseas Minister Annick Girardin; Minister in charge of Transport Elisabeth Borne; Minister for European Affairs Marielle de Sarnez; Sports Minister Laura Flessel; High Education and research Minister Frederique Vidal; Secretary of State for Parliamentary Relations and Government Spokesperson Christophe Castaner; Junior Minister in Charge of Digital Mounir Mahjoubi; a silhouette representing Junior Minister in Charge of Disabled people Sophie Cluzel; Junior Minister in charge of Equality between men and women Marlene Schiappa. (AFP / GETTY IMAGES)
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