Zaruhi Postanjyan. “We are going to conquer the municipality” 18.04.2017

Inaugural conference of the party “Yerkir Tsirani” participating in the municipal elections  was held today in an unusual environment –  Erebuni Museum. The head of the new party Zaruhi Postanjyan said that from this very historic place they will achieve  the Municipality of Yerevan located at 1 Argishti Street and will conquere it  starting fundamental changes.


“Our main target is the Republican Party.”


Zaruhi Postanjyan began her speech with a quote from the speech reigned thirty centuries ago Argishti the first. She read aloud the inscription in cuneiform which is considered as Yerevan’s passport, and  said that the current state of the capital city  is not appropriate for a city having the past of 2799 years.


“It is obvious that during the  last 25 years green areas disappeared and capital turned  into an area full of  buildings,  she said mentioning that the elections of Yerevan have a political nature, as Yerevan is essentially a city-state, which includes system of the public administration, except for a few functions that relate to the armed forces, police, agriculture.


Full text in Armenian

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