Zaruhi Postanjyan: “I am proud that to be a citizen of Yerevan” 11.04.2017
In Yerevan municipal elections on May 14th will participate a political force top the list of which is headed by a woman. Basically, capital has all the chances to have a woman mayor and the election will show whether residents will benefit given the opportunity. Moreover, the candidate is well known to the public. Former member of “Heritage” party, since 2007 MP Zaruhi Postanjyan founded in February “Purple Earth” political party and claimed to occupy her niche in political field. And as by their significance municipal elections after the constitutional reform are the second nationwide general elections, then this application is quite bold for a new party.
In conversation with WomenNet Zaruhi Postanjyan presented her position on the electoral process, the grounds of the decision, and also raised the importance of women’s involvement in politics, which is a testament to their list, “half of the first list of 22 candidates for the purple Earth” party – more than 55 percent are women.
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