Zaruhi Postanjyan participated in the high-level discussion on Women Empowerment in New York

On September 29, 2015 Zaruhi Postanjyan (a member of the Parliament of the Republic of Armenia, Heritage Party) participated in the “Future of Eastern Europe: Empowerment of Women” high-level discussion in New York City. By the invitation of the President of Lithuania – Dalia Grybauskaitė, Postanjyan was on this panel together with Croatian
President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic, former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, Georgian President Giorgi Margvelashvili and other high-ranking officials and members of parliaments from Sweden, Moldova and Ukraine.

In her speech prepared for the panel Postanjyan stated that women’s empowerment is especially challenging in authoritarian and corrupt regimes formed in many post-Soviet countries, including Armenia, and that the removal of these regimes is important for tackling issues of justice and equality for all.

Postanjyan also mentioned the recent grave cease-fire violations by Azerbaijan and that as a result of the artillery shelling of civilians three Armenian women and four soldiers were killed and several civilians were injured.
Russia’s aggression in the region and violations of human rights werealso discussed during the meeting. The panel joined the sister of Nadiya Savchenko calling for Nadiya’s release from prison in Russia.


The “Heritage” Fraction Press Service


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