Zaruhi Postanjyan meets Coalition to Stop Violence against Women
Recently, the leader of “Yerkir Tsirani” party Zaruhi Postanjyan held meeting with the representatives of 5 member organizations of Coalition to Stop Violence against Women. In an interview with the founder and director of “Women’s Support Center” Maro Matosyan said that the meeting was initiated by the Zaruhi Postanjyan, for representing the program and opinion of the party on all the questions that address women’s issues before municipal elections.
“During the meeting, she said that as during her political career she has always been fighting for women’s rights, she is going to further continue these activities. And the meeting was aimed at hearing from organizations dealing with women’s issues the expectations from the municipal authorities, as well as point out some plans with more concrete problems”, – said our interlocutor.
Maro Matosyan presented “Women’s Support Center” activities in which they are mainly working with the victims of domestic violence and know their needs perfectly. Necessity of more attention and support from the municipal government was noted.
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