Zaruhi Batoyan: “My proposals are aimed at a decent life for all” 

“Civil Agreement” party member Zaruhi Batoyan is known for her social activities in defense of the rights of persons with disabilities and women. She also has experience in journalism and business performance. Now she tries her luck in politics, being nominated by “Elq” alliance by rating electoral system in electoral district # 1.


In conversation with she said that although very often she  hear from different people that politics is a dirty area, but she is convinced that the human values and principles are the same everywhere. People can be honest or not, fair or unfair. So, it is better not give names to the fields and sectors as in business, politics, and any other important sphere the most important are people…


– You’re doing pretty well public activities and I can say you recorded a lot of success in it, how did you decide to become an MP?


I really worked hard for a long time; I had my participation in various social and legislative initiatives, with various proposals. Here’s another question whether they are used or no, as an NGO representative, your opportunities are limited, they can be only in a form of offer, but whether they will be accepted and will be implemented and  in whatever way is another question. And in this sense I believe in myself that I can do more than I have done in the past as a result of working in the public sector. Another important factor is that I continue my work, this is not a new field, new topic, it is not a new problem, just a way of changing. I think that NGOs work ends in a place where they can no longer have any major impact on the policy change; the system will not allow it. As people who have to make decision for these changes, are not personally liable for the problem, not aware of the depth of all the difficulties and do not know what to say to discrimination, disadvantage, and others distinctions. And I’m sure, and it also has international experience shows that if persons with disabilities (PWDs) are not included in the system of decision making at various levels, then the processes are implemented without regard for their rights. This is the main reason why I want to work in the legislative field, because my goal is to influence systemic change. If we want the whole system to be inclusive and to be free from discrimination, people with disabilities should be included in the policy.


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