Zaruhi Babayan and her little ambassadors of peace

It is the third year that Zaruhi Babayan has taken the role of goodwill ambassador by the proposal of the UN Armenian office. She is the follower of UNHCR Armenia.


–         I gladly accepted the proposal, I was sure that I could pass concerns and problems of people emigrated fromSyriaduring last years through my song and dance. My mission has more emotional and psychological nature, it does not assume financial support. My purpose is to help people integrate into society, feel safe and secure, forget bombing at mornings and evenings, live a full life.


On June 18 the hall of the Union of Architects of Armenia was full of singing and laughter of small children of Zaruhi Babayan’s song studio. The concert dedicated to 6th anniversary of establishment of studio was like a unique exam before parents and guests showing the children’s talent and improvement throughout years. Successive nice musical performances were a mute witness of hard work of six years. “Such concerts give a lot of energy and emotions to children which encourages them more to improve ”, – says Zaruhi Babayan, noting that this time the event has important meaning – to inspire and give new breath of life to Syrian Armenians, to encourage them through song and dance to start new life inArmenia.


–         I am glad to participate in such an enjoyable evening. These days we mark World International Refugee Day to tribute to hundreds of thousands people who are forcibly displaced from their homes and move to another countries. They are ordinary people, like we, they are simply obliged to appear in unusual circumstances.Armeniais one of the countries which friendly admits them and has a friendly attitude towards their problems, for which we are very grateful toArmenia, – said Kate Pochapski – UNHCR acting – greeting children and audience from the scene.

On occasion of the sixth anniversary of Zaruhi Babayan’s song studio the UN Office presented a small teddy bear. Reading note written on a bear “who cares about displaced people, we care”, mentioned that symbolic blue shirts and short jackets that UNHCR’s partners wear are quite familiar to those who have left their homes because of war.


Shogher Tashchyan and her three daughters – Marianna, Karlin and Sella- who have come toArmenia9 months ago were invited to a concert. Getting presents from her peers of studio one of the girls sang Martin Yorgants’s song “Pinky”.


-There are many families in our environment who need our love and warm smile most of all,- said Zaruhi inviting members of this family to the stage. In an interview with the singer noted that many Syrian-Armenian children are also pupils of the studio and they are very active in events and concerts. It makes integration into society easier through song, dance, painting.


– The purpose of the mission is to make my pupils realize that they can also participate in facilitation of refugees concerns through their love, devotion and smile. They can even with a smile inspire their Syrian-Armenian peers and prove that they are not in a foreign country, that they live in their homeland. Therefore, my pupils took that commitment too.

They really inspired audience with their song, dance. They have turned into small ambassadors of peace and try to prevent planet’s frantic running towards war whirlpool.


Read more  on our site:


Zaruhi Babayan and her little ambassadors of peace


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