Representation of women at Yerevan Council can be 30 percent


At a special meeting CEC summed up the results of the elections of the Yerevan Council with the decision to distribute Yerevan Council seats in the following proportion: Republican Party of Armenia – 46 mandates, “Yelq” bloc – 14 seats, “Yerkir Tsirani” Party 5 seats.


According to preliminary calculations, according to party lists, the 20-seat out of 65 or 30 percent will be given to women. And, if there are no surprises in mandates extradition, it means that in the history of the independent Armenia for the first time critical mass of women will be provided to Council of Elders and thus their real ability to influence the decisions … of course, if women can have a joint stance on the issues come up in benefit of residents. Let’s note that women make up half less of the city council, they were few, only 10 out of 65 members were women, or 15%.


At this moment, however neither the CEC, nor the parties clearly can tell what the candidates will be included as part of the municipal electoral lists, which does not allow us to claim that women will make 30% of the city council.


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