Female candidates in the electoral list of the party „Yerkir Tsirani” make 57%
April 14th marked the deadline for registration of political parties and party alliances participating in the municipal elections. After the committee meeting electoral lists of “Yerkir Tsirani”, “Yelq” and Republican parties was published on the official website of Armenia. WomenNet.am- has analyzed the electoral lists, in terms of women’s representation, and found that more women are involved in “purple Earth” party list, the less the RPA list.
Republican list includes 195 candidates, of which 48 or 25% are women. There are two women in the top ten list, 4th and 8th places, Head of Journalists’ Union non-party Astghik Gevorgyan and Deputy Director of the Institute of Art at “National Academy of Sciences’ Doctor of Arts, Republican Anna Asatryan. Both are members of the council.
Next woman Naira Nahapetyan occupies 12th place in the list. She is also a member of the Council, President of Small Hydro Association, member of RPA board. Many of the women included in the list – 21 of them work in educational institutions, schools, kindergartens and colleges in Yerevan.
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