International Youth Day – Road to Sustainable Development / video message


August 12 is International Youth Day in the UN calendar. It was established by the UN General Assembly on 17 December 1999 by the World Conference on Youth Affairs. International Youth Day was first celebrated in 2000 on August 12. According to the Global Youth Action Plan definition of “young” are 15 to 24 years of age.


Today, there are about three billion people under 25 years, of which more than one billion are the poor. Today, young people make up a quarter of the global workforce, but they account for half the world’s unemployed. More than 100 million adolescents do not attend school. 90% of young people are the victims of conflicts in the world…


This year’s topic is directly linked to the goals of sustainable development, that is. “Road to 2030 year. Overcoming poverty and ensuring sustainable production and consumption models (goal No. 12). It refers to the application of such models of production and consumption that will allow for future generations to preserve the world’s natural resources. “I encourage all young people to be involved in the implementation of SDG and demand their governments to take action,” said UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon in his message.


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