European Commission Youth in Action Training in Armenia


Training course “Sharing Best Practices for Inclusive Growth” with the best practices of non-formal education will take place from 4-12 March in Tsaghkadzor (“Saya” hotel, 17 Charents Street, near the square).


The training is organized by the efforts of the local youth NGO “Youth for Exchange and Cooperation” and is funded by the European Commission in the framework of the European Union’s “Youth in Action” Program. The aim of this Program is to inspire a sense of active European citizenship, solidarity and tolerance among young Europeans and to involve them in shaping theUnion’s future.


The training participants are youth NGOs activists and volunteers fromArmenia,Georgia,Italy,Spain,Greece,Romania,Ukraine,Moldova,Turkey,SlovakiaandCroatia, which actively involved in a social lives of their communities.


The training will be held by local and Italian trainers who had a broad experience in organization and implementation of such kind of trainings

The aims of the training course are

  • To promote volunteering as tool to make youth participation more effective and powerful in social life
  • To foster international cooperation and understanding of equality
  • To develop mutual understanding, learn and share creative ways to fight discrimination and eliminate it in daily life
  • To raise awareness of the topic of poverty and marginalization in general and how this is reflected in the lives of young people with fewer opportunities
  • To present the opportunities of the Youth in Action Programme in general and European Voluntary Service in particular

Besides, participants will gain a valuable experience of working within the mixed groups, interaction with the local community and network development as part of the activity.


This project has been funded with support from the European Union. 

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