“It is a problem for me to provide my children with comprehensive and healthy food “
In the morning a cup of tea, bread, cheese, canned or homemade peach jam, and batter if available – this is the breakfast of Gayane Matsakyan’s sons. Mother of two schoolchildren says that today providing her children with full and healthy food is a great problem for her. “Everything is very expensive – fruits, vegetables, dairy products. One kilo of butter cost 2700-3000 AMD, and meat is almost inaccessible, you cannot afford yourself buying it every day, when it costs 2000 AMD”, – Gayane says and adds that very often she buys chicken or chicken legs and prepares with it.
Gayane’s husband is a builder, and does not have a permanent job, therefore, he has no fixed income. “When he has job, he earns on average 6500-7000 AMD, but when he does not have any job, we live on my earning”. She is a saleswoman and her monthly salary is 80 000 AMD. With this money Gayane daily buys just two breads and pays utility bills which are a burden for a family especially in winter. In warm weather she is able to buy goods of the first necessity – oil, and they save husband’s savings for preserving fruits and vegetables for winter, buying sugar, grocery.
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