“Appointment of 30 000 AMD as a fine for beating the child is the picture of our reality”  


According to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, to which Armenia joined in 1992, the state is obliged to protect children from  physical or mental violence to take all forms of abuse or abuse, care, neglect or negligent, rude treatment or exploitation by parents, legal guardians or any other person taking care of the child.


A young woman’s body was discovered on December 19 in the city of Spitak, and two daughters -5 and 7 years old –  dead in bedroom. According to preliminary data woman registered at Spitak psychiatric section strangled children, then committed suicide …


According to the “Survey on the violence against Children 2014” conducted by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs  a total of around 27% of children exposed to violence, of which 68% physical, 48% psychological. Children are exposed to violence outside of the family environment mainly by peers (82%), teachers (17%), nurses and teachers by 15%.


Child Protection Network experts are warning the necessary steps to reduce violence are not taken. The presentation of results of surveys conducted among Armenians parents over the years show that at least 40% of parents  use physical violence as a method in the upbringing of the child, viewing it as the norm.


“The baby is fine for inflicting bodily injuries to appoint 30 thousand, in my opinion, is the image of our reality,” said network president Mira Antonyan.


“Appointment of 30 000 AMD as a fine for beating the child  is the picture of our reality” – says Antonyan.


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