The Convention on Violence Against Women was discussed at the PACE

On June 25, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe discussed the implementation of the Istanbul Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence  and its challenges.


Member of the Armenian delegation to the PACE, MP Naira Zohrabyan made a speech and noted that any violence against women is both physical and psychological and should be punished by law. She added that the legal instruments of international and national legislation should be strengthened by the coordinated actions of everyone, both at political and legal and institutional level.


Naira Zohrabyan said in her speech:


“Physical and psychological violence against women continues to be a serious challenge in many CE member countries and I attach importance to the discussion of this issue in our Assembly. One thing is clear: any violence against women is a crime, and it must be punished by law. Therefore, the legal instruments of international and national legislation should be strengthened by the coordinated actions of all of us both at political, legal and institutional level.


The Council of Europe has made an invaluable contribution to the International Arbitration Tribunal, elaborating the Convention on the Prevention of Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence, which is a key legal instrument in this area today. Armenia, as a country with unique values, attaches great importance to the protection of women’s rights and the role of women in democratic processes. And it is not accidental that women in the first row of last year’s revolution were in Armenia.


Dear colleagues, last year Armenia signed Convention No. 210, and in December 2017 the Parliament ratified the Law on Prevention of Domestic Violence. The Council of Europe Action Plan, launched recently in Armenia, includes a series of events aimed at the effective implementation of the already adopted law.


And yes, as the rapporteur noted, the Armenian parliament has played a very active role in the parliamentary network of women’s rights without violence. This network enables national parliamentarians to organize public awareness campaigns and provide political support for the protection of women’s rights.


In addition, the statement adopted by the Francophone Summit in Yerevan clearly outlined the need for steps to eliminate all forms of violence against women. And, of course, I cannot miss pointing out the importance of the campaign for public awareness campaigns initiated by our Assembly President Mory Pacqué, because the goal of this campaign is to prevent and combat any manifestation of discrimination against women.

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