Children not attending school – in the world and in Armenia 


According to UNICEF data released today, in 10 countries having the highest rate of children not having an opportunity to receive primary education, 2 out of 5 children that is, 18 million children, do not attend school. The data presented in the UNICEF Armenian Office.



2.1 million children do not attend school in Syria. the largest mass of school children live in Liberia, where almost two-thirds of elementary school age children do not attend school.  Second place is South Sudan, where 59 percent of children are deprived of their right to primary education, and the school where 1every third school is not operational because of the crisis.



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The latest data of the National Statistical Service of the 2015-2016 school year compared to the number of children in the elementary school-age children was 91.6 percent. That is, 8.4 percent of children of school age do not get an education.



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