Business trip postwar Talish


From the end of Talish no Armenian or Azerbaijanian identification is visible – no flag, no army, no equipment.


43-year-old Sos Petrosyan, teacher of mathematics and physics in the village, says that the height is about 1,000 meters from his home. Retired officer had received the house from Nagorno Karabakh for 11 years of service in defense army a month before.


Armenian forces have officially recognized that the lost the height of Talish  on April 2 at the unprecedented scale of hostilities along the contact line between Nagorno Karabakh and Azerbaijan, for the first time in 1994, after the ceasefire.


From here Azerbaijani armed forces are keeping a targeted southeast village of Nagorno-Karabakh 500 residents of which were evacuated. Sos Petrosyan with his wife and three boys fled to his wife’s mother’s home in Charentsavan.


“Let them not to be so happy. We will take back”, – Petrosyan says that he came to his home for taking the smallest 4-year-old boy’s sports shoes.


They say that during the last two years, it was only on the night of May 24 and 25 of 2016 when no a shot was fired in the Karabakh-Azerbaijani contact line.


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