They deliberately forced Gohar to do hard work in order to make her lose her child, as it was girl…


For a 26 -year –old Gohar abortion was fatal. It is two years since she has been visiting many doctors, but it is useless. Doctors say that the reason is abortion…


“I did not want to do abortion. To tell the truth I had a desire to have a child and I thought that Dos sent it to me, but my mother-in-law decided everything instead of me and my child. And my husband did not protect me as well”.


This women who lives in Gegharquniq region has two daughters, but her husband and on-laws were against even the second girl-child.


Gohar says that she does not see her husband for months, the most of the year he spents in Russia When their second girl was 1,5 years old, he came from Russian and each time he used to tell her that she should be a boy. Then Gohar was pregnant again but this time husband and mother-in-law made her do abortion.


As a result of preferring only boy children in Armenia annually 2000 girl children are not born. If the normal ratio is 102-105 boys / 100 girls, in Armenia it is 114 boys – 100 girls, and especially in Gegharquniq it is 124 boys – 100 girls. According to UNICEF estimations, if it continues like this, in this case in Armenia 92,932 girls will not born until 2060 which will lead to serious demographic problem.


That is why the Government has taken an initiative to make amendments in the “Law on reproductive health and reproductive health”, according to which sex-selected abortion is prohibited and an administrative fine is intended for a doctor performing it.

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