Call for papers: Women, Leadership and Society

Yerevan State University Center for Gender and Leadership Studies is pleased to announce a call for paper for its second annual Conference “Women, Leadership, and Society”. The conference will take place on June 10th, 2014 at Yerevan State University (A. Manoogian str.1, Balian conference hall).


Recent decades have seen considerable progress in women’s participation in political, economic, and sociocultural life across the globe. The share of women in legislative bodies has grown and so has their presence in top echelons of economic management. Women are increasingly found among leaders of civic and non-governmental organizations. Women’s contributions to culture and art are increasingly acknowledged. Despite this progress, women continue to be underrepresented in political, economic, civic, and cultural leadership. The CGLS Conference will critically examine both the progress in women’s advancement to leadership roles in different spheres of society and the legal, economic, and sociocultural obstacles to this advancement. It will seek effective policy solutions to problems and challenges that hinder women’s leadership in Armenia and globally.


The Conference will address a wide range of topics, including:

  • Women, men, and leadership in the context of rapid social change.
  • Global and local theory and practice of women’s leadership
  • Women’s leadership in politics
  • Women’s leadership in economic and business life
  • Women’s leadership in the cultural, educational, and scientific spheres
  • Women leadership of social and civic movements and organizations
  • Women’s leadership in national, regional and global peace and security
  • Political, legal, cultural, and socio-psychological barriers to women’s leadership
  • The role of women’s and gender studies in advancing women’s leadership in society
  • Communicating research on women’s leadership to non-academic audiences
  • From research to policy: translating research findings into practice.

We welcome submissions from scholars and researchers, as well as representatives of non-governmental organizations and social activists. Limited funds are available to support travel and accommodation of participants from outside Yerevan.



Submission of abstracts: Please send an abstract of up to 500 words describing the theoretical background, methodology, main results, and policy implications of your paper in Armenian or English and a one-page bio or CV of the main author by March 31, 2014 to the following e-mail addresses:, Please write “CLGS 2014 Conference Submission” in the subject of your e-mail. If the presenting author is based outside Yerevan, please indicate if they will need financial support toward their travel to the Conference and the approximate amount of the funds needed. Financial support will be allocated based on availability.



Authors will be notified if their papers have been accepted for presentation by April 15, 2014. CGLS plans to publish the full texts of papers presented at the Conference.



For additional information, please contact the YSU Center for Gender and Leadership Studies office: A. Manoogian str.1, room #436, Yerevan, Armenia, e-mail:,, phone: +37460710390.


 Yerevan State University Center for Gender and Leadership Studies

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