Gayane Davtyan: “We are ready to serve to serve as a protector of the interests of our citizens.”
Gayane Davtyan is included in the party list of “Yerkir Tsirani” at 10th place in local elections. She was born in Yerevan, born and raised in the capital, where she received higher education becoming a swimming coach and physical education teacher. But because of circumstances she did not work in her profession, she has been doing a career over twenty years in international freight forwarding industry, where she founded her own company in 2014.
- -Gayane you are included in the top ten list of “Yerkir Tsirani” party. How did you decide to get involved in politics, have you ever been involved in the political process before this?
When you realize that you are in defenseless situation today in your own country where there is no law and our people live as a slave then natural necessity arises, I emphasize the natural requirement rather than a desire for radical change. In order to make this demand a reality there is a need to have an active political participation. Unfortunately, for many years we thought that ordinary citizens should not be interested in politics, but it is not like this. The role of each is great in politics, to remain indifferent and just think that someone would come and will create our future instead of us is a naive dream. As for me, I had been involved in the political process, but not very active. I have experience in the fight against the shameful illegalities of the system. I have participated in electoral processes both as an observer and as a member of the election committee. Unfortunately, I am very disappointed because once again I was convinced of how the system works like a robot programmed by the mechanism, with all its promises as worthless garbage thrown up the day after the next election.
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