Armine Hovakimyan: “There is a lot to do in village and I have a lot to do”
In Mrgastan village of Armavir region 2 out of 7 candidates for community council member are women. One of them is Armine Hovakimyan, a teacher, a Republican party member who is a CURRENT member of the council. In conversation with WomenNet- Armine Hovakimyan, told that the mayor was persuaded to run in previous elections, but she had not thought much about it. In her speech she mentioned that the mayor and the school principal claimed that the presence of the teacher in the City Council is very important.
She says that three years ago, when she was assuming her new responsibilities as a community council member, the majority of the population did not know what kind of institution it was, but today the situation has changed in a positive sense. As for this year’s nomination, Mrs. Hovakimyan said that one of the reasons is that firsthand experience showed that the problem can be resolved by the council and the village, though is small, it has a lot of problems. And besides, it does not matter, it is the voice of a woman or a man, if someone says the right thing, it will certainly become audible.
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