Decent urban transport: what the political forces promising in their election programs?
All the political forces involved in the Yerevan City Council elections have touched upon the issue of modernization of transport in their pre-election programs.
Thus, the “My Step” alliance plan provides for modernization of transport, discount system of tickets, late transportation, and convenience for people with disabilities.
The PAP program envisages the provision of transport accessibility and improvement.
The Heritage Party also emphasizes the importance of improving transport. The program presents the current poor state of transport.
The “Yerkir Tsirani” party has a great program of transport improvement. It plans to effectively exploit the public transport network through a fully integrated bus, trolleybuses and subway system to make it comfortable for people with disabilities.
The Yerevan Municipal Party Alliance plans to introduce exciting new innovations and launch a large-scale investment in electric vehicles and even build a modern urban power plant based on alternative energy technologies.
In the “Communication, Telecommunication and Transport Development” section of the Rule of Law program, it is envisaged to carry out informatization and computerization of the whole territory of Yerevan, free WiFi system in Yerevan.
ARF Dashnaktsutyun plans to create a unified transport system, dismantle traffic, restore and develop an ecologically clean transportation network.
The Reformists Party has foreseen the promotion of bicycle traffic and the expansion of the bicycle route in its programmatic areas.
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