“Long live our cows!”: failed flight of a new advertising idea
Many citizens of Armenia are not indifferent to the advertisement on the Saryan Street in central Yerevan, Panorama.am reports. “They come in, take photos, express themselves and go”- , said the young people gathered near the store.
For the first time, Harutyun Mnatsakanyan, the advisor to the Minister of Agriculture, has photographed and published a cow in a traditional costume. He was disappointed, but among commentators were admirers of “great advertising”. As it turned out, the article titled “Long Live Our Cows” was produced by “Our Country” LLC. There was no answer to the calls made to the company’s only published phone number. Artur Gevorgyan, Head of the Information and Public Relations Department of the Municipality, told Panorama.am that business entity’s advertising department has filed no application for ad placement authorization. “This is considered an illegal act. The law provides for administrative penalties for such a case. Surely the advertising poster will be dismantled”, – said A. Gevorgyan.
In all cases, the advertisement is not dismantled for vulgar content, but due to lack of authorization.
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