“The world is once again teeming with orange”
Armenia and world kicked off “16 Days Against Gender Violence
“The world is once again teeming with orange, which symbolizes a bright future for women and girls,” said the UN Secretary General on the Elimination of Violence against Women in International Day message. Let’s note that the orange was chosen as the UN campaign color “(UNiTE to End Violence against Women”, as a symbolizing the color. As abright and optimistic color that best meets the goal of building a better future – a future that will be free of human rights violations and abuses, which suffers every third woman in the world today.
Every year from November 25 / International Day ofElimination of Violence against Women / to December 10 / Human Rights day / 16-day campaign against gender violence within the various events is held throughout the world to attract public attention to the problem of violence against women and girls The idea of the Campaign was recommended by International Center for Women’s Global Leadership the 1991’s. This campaign was first held in 2001.
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