Infertile couples will receive free treatment. who can access the program


A state-sponsored infertility treatment and treatment program kicks off September 9, which means couples with infertility can already be enrolled. During a press conference today, Gayane Avagyan, Head of the Department of Maternal and Reproductive Health Protection at the RA Ministry of Health, explained who can benefit from the program.


The following types of health care will be provided under the state-sponsored free and reduced-cost infertility treatment and treatment program: research and treatment of infertility causes, before implementation of reproductive aids, mandatory research, spouse or donor artificial insemination; , and in case of additional embryos, the second and third cervical implantations will also be performed free of charge. If the couple wants a second attempt, then the state can compensate for that by 50%, ”Avagyan said.


210 million AMD has been allocated for the implementation of the project this year. “About 300 beneficiaries can be involved. And we hope that next year our budget will increase and we will increase the list of beneficiaries, ”Avagyan said.


According to her, there is a high infertility rate of 14.8% in Armenia, of which 4.3% is primary and 10.6% is secondary. According to World Health Organization standards, if the country has 15% or more infertility in the country, then it is at a critical level. Moreover, there are at present 20,000 primary infertility (couples have no children at all).


According to Avagyan, the program can be used exclusively by infertile couples with two and more years of infertility. To become a beneficiary of the program, a person must belong to a specific group: the husband or wife must be a military serviceman, parents of a son killed during or after the end of a military operation, families with a score of 30.01 and more included in the security system; a spouse living in a borderline community with a disability and receiving special social support.


At the same time, couples must also meet the additional requirements: the spouse or one of the spouses must be a citizen of the Republic of Armenia and the marriage must be registered in accordance with the legislation. The woman must be in the age group of 20-35 (inclusive) (except for parents of a deceased (deceased) son in connection with military service during or after graduation – woman up to 42 years of age), applying at age 35 and as If registered as a beneficiary, the woman retains the status of beneficiary of the project until she is 38 years old.


Avagyan explained why the age limit was imposed. “The age of 20-35 is chosen because after 35 the fertility index falls sharply. The state cannot afford to spend money, knowing that the result is small,” she said.


Avagyan also reminded that the state can only compensate for the process of assisted reproductive technology of infertility and cannot compensate for the donor egg cell, the surrogate mother.


The medical organization provides the population with information on how to file and register applications for project beneficiaries by posting it in a visible location at the medical organization’s reception desk.

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